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Storage, backup and disaster recovery

Protect your data with a robust, scalable and cost-effective storage.

Our disaster recovery solutions span hyper-converged, hybrid, cloud or a more traditional three-tier architecture.

Don't be kept in the dark

Our project management team provide clarity and transparency across the project lifecycle with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, strong communication planning and rigorous governance.

We keep you updated with clear communications, regular status meetings, and full documentation so you’re always up-to-date.

  • Advisory and design
    We’ll work with you to analyse your storage, backup, compliance and disaster recovery obligations and choose the right solution to meet your needs.
  • Construct
    Our experienced engineering, system architecture and project delivery teams will partner with you to hand over the reins on delivery of the solutions.
  • Care
    Support your storage, backup and disaster recovery solutions with proactive alerting, monitoring and fault resolution, capacity planning and failover testing.